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Paragliding in Annecy

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Survoler les falaises de calcaire, sillonner les eaux turquoises du lac le plus pur d'Europe et glisser au-dessus des crêtes majestueuses comme si elles avaient été façonnées pour cela. Annecy…

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Paragliding over the Auvergne volcanoes

  • Post category:travel

Envie de découvrir de nouveaux horizons et de changer d’air ? Et si vous preniez la direction du Puy de Dôme en France ? Cette région très particulière de moyenne montagne offre…

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Read more Intelligence Artificielle et Parapente
Condorito Parapente

AI and Paragliding

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Artificial intelligence (AI) is in the news right now.  Let's see what it has to say about paragliding.

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Read more PWC Superfinale : Championnat du monde de parapente au Mexique
xevi Bonnet

Paragliding World Cup Superfinal in Mexico

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The '22 PWC superfinal : What, When, Where ?

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APPI : your paragliding pass

  • Post category:travel

If you are considering learning or improving your paragliding skills, and especially if you have been flying for a while and are traveling, you have probably heard of APPI. Here is a quick presentation for the late-comers.

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All paragliding schools

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In addiction to the real-time weather maps for paragliding, our website now hosts a paragliding schools directory. Check it out.

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Paragliding for dummies

  • Post category:training

Which paraglider to start with ? How long does it take to learn paragliding ? Where to learn paragliding ? These are the questions that are often asked. Here is the beginning of an answer.

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Polar gears

What is the velocity polar? The speed polar is a graphical representation of the performance of our paraglider, as we will detail here. In…

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FFVL and rain radars

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Knowing the weather readings in real time is much better than the forecast. The FFVL offers a very useful tool, and I took advantage of the last days of disturbed weather to…

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